- tss
- About Arecanut Category
- Hits: 6974
Trust is formed by the Founder with the noble objective to join some of the well known co-operative societies in this part of the State in a Trust to coordinate their efforts to promote the development, management and transfer of technologies and information in the entire state of Karnataka to provide capacity building, training, technical and logistic advice and support in these districts within the existing laws of the Government of India and Karnataka State.
Whereas farming of Arecanut and its inter crops remains the major economic engine of the Region, the communities that are dependant on this industry have been facing increasing challenges in terms of labour and water shortages, lack of access to modern information and communication technology. There exists a large number of highly successful co-operative institutions in the Region, which have developed robust networks for providing marketing, credit and input supply services to farmers.
The purpose of this Trust is to establish a joint forum representing various co-operative and civic organizations in the Region for the advancement of research and development of production, marketing, resource management and information technologies in areas of mutual interest and of relevance to the Region for the creation of funding, training and technical and logistical advice and support.
THIS IS A DEED OF DECLARATION OF TRUST executed by Shantaram .V. Hegde, Shigehalli, President of Totagars’ Co-operative Sale Society Ltd. Sirsi (T.S.S. Ltd), hereinafter known as Founder of the Trust.
Name of the Trust : This Trust shall be known as “MALENADU KRISHI TRUST”.
Founder of this Trust hands over to Trustees a sum of Rs.5001/- (Five Thousand and One only) towards the Corpus Fund of the Trust.
Founder appoints following Societies /Institutions/Associations as the Trustees of this Trust and they shall form Board of Trustees. Below named societies/organizations shall be Life Trustees.
(1) The Totgars’ Co-operative Sale Society Ltd., Sirsi. (TSS Ltd., Sirsi)
(2) Taluka Marketing Society Sirsi. (TMS Sirsi)
(3) Malenad Areca Marketing Co-operative Society Ltd., Shivamogga.(MAMCOS Shivamogga)
(4) Areca Processing and Sales Society Lts., Sagar.(APCOS Sagar)
(5) Kadamba Marketing Souharda Sahakari Ltd., Sirsi (Kadamba Marketing Sirsi)
(6) Taluka Marketing Society Siddapur (TMS Siddapur)
(7) Central Arecanut and Cocoa Marketing and Processing Co-operative Mangalore (CAMPCO Mangalore)
(8) Horticultural Producers’ Co-operative Marketing and Processing Society Sirsi (HOPCOMS Sirsi)
(9) Tyagali Group Gramagala Seva Sahakari Sanga Ltd., Nanikatta. (PACs-Tyagli)
(10) Havyaka Association of America.(HAA),
(11) Totgars’ credit Society Sagara,
(12) Adike Belegarara Sangha Sagara,
(13) Taluka Marketing Society Yallapura (TMS Yallapura).
Above named Trustees shall by resolution appoint their representative to attend meetings of the Trust.
Board of Trustees can appoint experts from any fields like Agriculture, Industry, Research etc. as Associate Trustees and their term of office shall be 3 years. Board of Trustees can also appoint Non-Profit Organizations as Associate Trustees for a term of 3 years. Associate Trustees shall not have voting right in any meetings.
WHEREAS the trustees above named have accepted to carry out the activities to achieve the aims and objectives of the Trust in the manner, hereinafter provided.
- To implement specific activities within the framework of this deed, the Trustees shall develop and support appropriate action plans, each with appropriate budget and identifiable source of funding, and each setting out in detail the respective obligations and responsibilities of the Parties.
- The programs conducted under the framework of this deed may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
- Establish a common research and development fund (“R & D Fund”) in order to support rural farmer-innovators, Organizations and entrepreneurs for designing, testing and developing innovative technology and practice for production, processing, value addition and storage, marketing and natural resource management relevant to agriculture in the Region.
- Make appropriate and exclusive contributions to the R&D Fund.
- Seek to leverage the R & D Fund from outside funding sources including the local, State and Central Governments, non-governmental organizations and private donors.
- Implement a grant program, using the R & D Fund, in order to award grants annually or at appropriate interval on competitive basis to individuals, farmers, institutions and other entities as deemed necessary by the Forum in support of research and development projects.
- Establish partnerships with research institutions and other relevant organizations to help commercialize technologies and innovative practices developed by local innovators with the help of R & D grant program.
- Establish partnership with research institutions and other relevant organizations to help conduct research, field tests, demonstrations on technologies and practices relevant to agriculture in the Region.
- Conduct market studies for increasing access to national and foreign markets for agricultural products originating from the Region.
- Support research, workshop and outreach activities on issues relating to environmental and natural resources management, including water, forests, non-timber forest products, agro-biodiversity, pollution and solid waste management.
- Organize training programs and workshops on issues of relevance to the Region.
- Strengthen the use of Information and Communication technology for dissemination of information that is relevant to farmers and residents of the Region by establishing an online/mobile portal (<Forum-Name>Platform) dedicated and tailored to the Region.
- Establish a “Farmer-Connect” program to create a network of specialties from universities and research institutes to provide professional help for farmers using the Platform as a communication medium.
- Organize technology training workshops and seminars to create awareness about the existence of technology platform and programs, their usage and to gather user feedback.
- Conduct feasibility study of using small electronic devices for simple automation either independently or in partnership with external companies/institutes. Educate, train and encourage farmers to use such devices.
- Support each other Parties’ training activities by participating in programs that provide technical advice, logistical resources, and any technology transfer-related services to farmers.
The Trust shall function at its registered office i.e. The Totgars’ Co Operative Sale Society Ltd. Sirsi and at such other places as the Trustees may decide from time to time. The Branch Office/ Administrative Offices/ Office/ Offices of the Trust if deemed necessary shall be opened at the discretion of the trustees at one or more places in India.
Meetings : Trust shall hold meetings at least once in 6 months. 6 Trustees shall form the quorum. Incase of lack of quorum, minimum of 3 Trustees can conduct meeting in an adjourned meeting after 30 minutes. Trust can take its decision by majority. Regular Meetings of the Trust can be held by 7 days prior notice. Emergency meetings can be held by 1 day prior notice to be sent by SMS/Whatsapp message/Email.
Trust in its first meeting shall appoint President, Vice-President and Secretary and they shall hold the office for 3 years. The bank account of the Trust shall be jointly operated by President and Secretary.
FUNDS : (a) All the Trustees/Member Societies shall contribute 0.50 % of their net profit annually to the trust.
(b) Trust is at liberty to receive donations from any individual or association or trust or any other organizations. But all such donations shall be received only through Cheques, Demand Drafts or bank transfer.
Trust can also receive donations from any Non Resident Indians and foreign organizations and it shall obtain necessary permission in this regard.
RELINQUISHMENT : Any of the Trustees may relinquish their office by giving 15 days Notice in writing to the President.
REMOVAL : In Case of any misbehaviour or mischief by any of the trustee or if any of the trustees act against the interest of the trust or makes the assets of the trust liable for attachment due to his personal activities, such a trustee may be removed from the trusteeship by passing a resolution with simple majority in the meeting of the Trust. In such an event the vacancy may be filled by nominating any other institution.
AMENDMENT: The Board of trustees reserves its right to amend any of the clauses of this Trust deed by passing resolution by 2/3rd majority.
RESOLVING DISPUTES: If there arises any doubt about interpretation of this deed or above duties the matter shall be referred to an arbitrator chosen by a consensus among trustees and his decision shall be accepted. Any legal proceedings are subjected to Sirsi (Uttara Kannada) jurisdiction only.
DISSOLUTION: The Board of Trustees are entitled to wind up the trust if resolved unanimously. In the event of them deciding to wind up the Trust by dissolution, the assets remaining as on the date of the dissolution, shall under no circumstances be distributed among the trustees but shall be transferred to another charitable trust, society or institution whose objects are in the opinion of the Trust, similar to those of this Trust.