User Rating: 5 / 5
CANARA BANK | 0520201000387 | 226339 | CNRB0000520 |
CORPORATION BANK | CBCA 01000053 | 226287 | CORP0000116 |
S B I | 10816614159 | 226342 | SBIN0000917 |
VIJAYA BANK | 12000030000138 | 226756 | VIJB000---- |
S B M | 54015930198 | 237655 | SBMY0040544 |
UNION BANK OF INDIA | 619001010050001 | 223306 | UBIN0561908 |
INDIAN BANK | 812516591 | 226576 | IDIB000S042 |
SYNDICATE BANK | 03033050000030 | 226323 | SYNB0000303 |
SBI HUBLI | 31287363830 | SBIN0000846 | |
KARNATAKA BANK | 7072000100027001 | 226418 | KARB0000707 |
ICICI BANK | 053105000067 | 233403 | ICIC0000531 |
VYSYA BANK | 161011000025 | 226509 | VYSA0001610 |
AXIS BANK | 912020020646271 | 223550 | UTIB0000754 |
HDFC BANK SIRSI | 23750330000018 | 223556 | HDFC0002375 |
NKGSB CO-OP BANK | 42110100000007 | 225677 | NKGS0000042 |
PMC BANK | 110127 | ||
KDCC BANK N.M YARD | 1 | 236232 | |
INDUSTRIAL BANK | 23 | 226223 | |
K. VIKAS GRAMEENA BANK | 193 | 225665 | |
URBAN BANK C P BAZAR | 21 | 226043 | |
User Rating: 5 / 5
We are selling top quality grocery items and best price and our products and services are hygiene-feasible-quick in nature.
User Rating: 3 / 5
A tiger strives to find its food when it is met with hungriness. The hungriness to every living creature is common phenomena. But, when farming community is put under "price" hungriness due to several reasons, either price war or price co-operation are the two options either to hug or tackle. The launch of TSS Tiger brand scented sweet supari is the outcome of always low price, dependence on the by-product manufactures and their erratic demand pattern which necessitated the society to initiate this venture in to manufacturing scented sweet supari in order to have self-consumption of its own purchase of areca nuts in the form of value added products –scented sweet supari in various price points and plain areca nut for consumption in pan shops across India. This has helped the institution to act as a hedge against the adverse situation in the market when it buys raw betelnut in the auction.
As said we have entered the third phase of marketing of areca. i.e. value addition. Flavored Sweet supari manufacturing was commenced in the year 2009 on a large scale basis with the investments crossing multi cores over machines and garnishing. Society undertook the risk of making sweet supari with an objective of stabilizing high fluctuating price of areca and to benefit members and growing community at large. Even though facing competition from local, regional, state and national level markets from sweet supari, gutkha, panmasala and similar product manufacturers, TSS brand sweet supari is stamped in the mind of chewers nationwide. Television, newspaper and other modes of advertising involving celebrities are employed to communicate benefits and brands. The product's countrywide acceptance and increasing demand since ten years is the gift, reward and gratitude felt by us for value addition risk undertaken in a co-operative venture in the midst of cut throat competition, that too in an environment where private manufacturers operate huge schemes for the trade without paying taxes for the government.
The process of making scented sweet supari is unique in the sense that other manufacturers use saccharin as the sweetening agent which is normally in high dosage than this levels prescribed according to law. The institution uses the method of boiling the red variety of areca nut in sugar syrup after washing it along with lime powder to neutralize ill effects of areca nut. Then it is sun dried and before packing it is coated with required flavor of perfume. This is the heather way of consuming scented betel nut and the institution endeavors to pursue for the benefit of the consumers. TSS sells scented sweet supari in various brands like TSS Tiger, TSS Arjun,TSSGold,TSS Train and TSS Spoorti at price points ranging from Rs 0.50 to Rs 5 in states like Karnataka ,Tamilnadu , Andra Pradesh, Telangana ,Gujarat ,MadyaPardesh ,West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Goa.
• A symbol of peace,prosperity and well being.
• Recommended as a neurotonic.
• Good for digestion.
• Improves appetite and taste.
• Stops bad breath and is very good mouth freshener.
• Widely used in religious and social functions.
• Strengthens gums and teeth.
• Has got high nutritional value.